I want to display an image located in the app-storage directory of my AIR application. This image has to be displayed in an html text area where the html text is coming in from a local embedded sqlite database.
When I put in the following code:
imageTest.htmlText = '<img src="app-storage:/demo.jpg" border="0" />';
nothing is displayed.
But when instead of the app-storage path, I put in the absolute url of an image on the web, like below:
imageTest.htmlText = '<img src="http://www.example.com/demo.jpg" border="0" />';
the image is displayed correctly.
Also, I checked that the app-storage method is able to locate the image, but it just does not display in an htmlText container. For example, the following code displays the image:
imageTest.location = 'app-storage:/demo.jpg';
Any suggestions what I should do to get the image to display? I am using Adobe Flex Builder 3 as the IDE.