Compiling this simple function with MSVC2008, in Debug mode:
int __cdecl sum(int a, int b)
return a + b;
I get the following disassembly listing:
int __cdecl sum(int a, int b)
004113B0 push ebp
004113B1 mov ebp,esp
004113B3 sub esp,0C0h
004113B9 push ebx
004113BA push esi
004113BB push edi
004113BC lea edi,[ebp-0C0h]
004113C2 mov ecx,30h
004113C7 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
004113CC rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
return a + b;
004113CE mov eax,dword ptr [a]
004113D1 add eax,dword ptr [b]
004113D4 pop edi
004113D5 pop esi
004113D6 pop ebx
004113D7 mov esp,ebp
004113D9 pop ebp
004113DA ret
There are some parts of the prolog I don't understand:
004113BC lea edi,[ebp-0C0h]
004113C2 mov ecx,30h
004113C7 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
004113CC rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
Why is this required?
After removing the /RTC
compiler option, as was suggested, most of this code indeed went away. What remained is:
int __cdecl sum(int a, int b)
00411270 push ebp
00411271 mov ebp,esp
00411273 sub esp,40h
00411276 push ebx
00411277 push esi
00411278 push edi
return a + b;
00411279 mov eax,dword ptr [a]
0041127C add eax,dword ptr [b]
Now, why is the: sub esp, 40h
needed? It's as if place is being allocated for local variables, though there aren't any. Why is the compiler doing this? Is there another flag involved?