One of the most difficult problems in my javascript experience has been the correct (that is "cross-browser") computing of a iframe height. In my applications I have a lot of dinamically generated iframe and I want that all do a sort of autoresize at the end of load event to adjust their height and width.
In the case of height computing my best solution is the following (with the help of jquery):
function getDocumentHeight(doc) {
var mdoc = doc || document;
if (mdoc.compatMode=='CSS1Compat') {
return mdoc.body.offsetHeight;
else {
if ($.browser.msie)
return mdoc.body.scrollHeight;
return Math.max($(mdoc).height(), $(mdoc.body).height());
I searched in the internet without success. I also tested Yahoo library that have some methods for document and viewport dimensions, but it's not satisfactory. My solution works decently, but sometimes it calculates a taller height. I've studied and tested tons of property regarding document height in Firefox/IE/Safari: documentElement.clientHeight, documentElement.offsetHeight, documentElement.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, body.scrollHeight, ... Also jquery doesn't have a coherent behavior in various browser with the calls $(document.body).height(), $('html', doc).height(), $(window).height()
I call the above function not only at the end of load event, but also in the case of dynamically inserted DOM elements or elements hidden or showed. This is a case that sometimes breaks the code that works only in the load event.
There is someone on earth that have a real cross-browser (at least Firefox/IE/Safari) solution? Some tips or hints?