You can use P/Invoke to call NetWkstaUserEnum, which will enumerate the currently logged on users. Keep in mind that there might be more than one user in case there are terminal server sessions, and that not all users returned is a "real" user. As the documentation states:
"This list includes interactive,
service and batch logons."
Here is a complete working code example in C# on how to call NetWkstaUserEnum:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace EnumerateUsers
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var ue = new UserEnumerator();
foreach(string userName in ue.GetLoggedOnUsers(null))
class UserEnumerator
public IEnumerable<string> GetLoggedOnUsers(string host)
int entriesRead, totalEntries, resumeHandle = 0;
IntPtr pBuffer = IntPtr.Zero;
int result = NetWkstaUserEnum(host, 0, out pBuffer, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, out entriesRead, out totalEntries, ref resumeHandle);
if (result != NERR_Success)
throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("Failed to enumerate users, error code {0}", result));
return GetUsersFromStruct(pBuffer, entriesRead).ToList();
if (pBuffer != IntPtr.Zero)
private IEnumerable<string> GetUsersFromStruct(IntPtr pBuffer, int count)
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var user = (WKSTA_USER_INFO_0)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pBuffer, typeof(WKSTA_USER_INFO_0));
yield return user.username;
pBuffer = IntPtr.Add(pBuffer, user.username.Length * 2);
private static extern int NetWkstaUserEnum(string host, int level, out IntPtr pBuffer, int prefMaxLength, out int entriesRead,
out int totalEntries, ref int resumeHandle);
private static extern int NetApiBufferFree(IntPtr buffer);
private const int MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH = -1;
private const int NERR_Success = 0;
internal string username;