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What’s a good book for learning F#?
Good F# Programming Books

With the upcomming release of Visual Studio 2010, I want to broaden my knowledge of F# and functional programming in general.

Which particular book(s) can you recommend and why?

+1  A: 

It's not a book in the dead-tree sense, but I've found the F# Programming Wikibook to be a very handy resource for learning the basics of F# quickly (and for relearning the simple things I've forgotten how to do).

I would +1 for the dead-tree expression but that would take this question out of the unaswered list
Fully understood. I'm actually interested in more traditional F# books myself. Most of my initial F# knowledge came from a library copy of Pickering's Foundations of F#, which is a good book, but is now quite outdated. I've been meaning to buy a newer book for a while, but I'm not sure which one would be best.
+3  A: 

I've scanned nearly all published F# books, among them I suggest:

Expert F#, read it after you have learned enough basics and have programming experience with F#. Don't use it as a tutorial book, F# has changed in the past two years, the code in this book usually needs some modification to run in the new compiler.

Programming F#, a great book for beginners, if you want only one book to start, this one is best.

F# for scientists, learning F# from a scientific perspective. it shows you how to use Seq, List, Array, these basic things to build a complicate functional program in F#.

Real World Functional Programming in .NET, learning F# by doing projects.

Read these:

What’s a good book for learning F#?

Good F# Programming Books

F# books question

F# programming books.

any good F# tutorial/book/blog/site online?

Learning F#

Getting started with F#

F# language - hints for newbie

A good ebook to learn F#

Yin Zhu
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Cool, the edit helped things a bit.
+1  A: 

Manning has F# in Action currently in early access.

I haven't read it (yet), but have read other Manning books, and consider them as good quality material.

Grant Palin
+3  A: 

I am enjoying Real-World Functional Programming. It's more of a narrative than a reference manual that you can quickly look up a syntax in, and as such it nicely complements a more reference-oriented F# book. One thing I like about it is that the authors focus primarily on teaching the functional style of programming, and to do so they use F# and C# examples. I already knew the basic syntax of F#, but I was less confident on how to structure an F# project, or how to make an F# library usable from C#, and I really appreciated those sections of this book.

The authors advocate an iterative development style where you start with the simplest possible functions and data structures that let you explore the problem domain, and then refactor to make the code more fully-formed and reusable once the core problem is solved. They structure the book in the same way, building on simple examples until they've done a pretty good job of explaining complex concepts.

And, of course, our own Jon Skeet is one of the co-authors.

Joel Mueller