In Android, you can say something and it will search it for Google. Google can turn speech into text.
How can I leverage this API?
In Android, you can say something and it will search it for Google. Google can turn speech into text.
How can I leverage this API?
There’s no official API for the text-to-speech service. But Weston Ruter noticed that anyone can access the service in the same way Google does: “Looking at the Firebug Net panel for where this TTS data was coming from, I saw that the speech audio is in MP3 format and is queried via a simple HTTP GET (REST) request:”
Translation: just change the URL to whatever you want it to say and you’ll get back a MP3 file. Example: copy the URL into your browser.
Have a look at RecognizerIntent. "String ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH Starts an activity that will prompt the user for speech and sends it through a speech recognizer."
Android Speech Input:
Android voice recognition API example: