


+7  Q: 

Google goggles API

Does anyone know if there is a google goggles API for Android? If not, is there one coming any time soon? With an API for this thing the possibilities are endless...

So far all I've been able to find on this subject is a discussion about not currently having a version for the iPhone due to it's "google labs" status (iPhone version coming once it's more "complete"). I'm hoping an API may be released then. Anybody have any info on this at all?

+1  A: 

It seems that people are hardly waiting for this:

Thanks. That's all I could find as well. I'm hoping someone might have some more info on if/when an API is being released. Without an API it's missing 99% of it's usefulness so it must be coming (I hope).
Russell Troywest

So, maybe the "Google's don't be evil is bullshit..." story from Steve Jobs IS true... Not answering questions that many people want to know for a long period of time IS EVIL!

I'm not sure I'd call i't evil but it is rather frustrating. Just a straight "NO" would at least let me know what the story is, even if it's not the story I want to hear.
Russell Troywest
Steve can give me blowJobs. Google is still far from evil.
Camilo Martin
+2  A: 

Google Goggles to Become App Platform

Thanks Damon. The original link looks to be this one:
Russell Troywest
+1  A: 

Here is an open API for visual search (image recognition):, see developer portal.

Thank you John, that looks interesting. I'll take a look when I get some spare time.
Russell Troywest