I'm trying to use the
Instruction but my code did not recognise it
What dll i have to load in order to use it?
I'm trying to use the
Instruction but my code did not recognise it
What dll i have to load in order to use it?
Do you do all the necessary steps before opening the file stream? Grabbing the context inside a transaction??
Check out this article here for a detailed discussion as to how to do it. Here's another blog post with a VB.NET sample code snippet.
Update: Lefteris, your code snippet is very very hard to read and understand, I did my best, but I'm really not sure. What I'm thinking is that you close the transaction too quickly. You seem to create a connection and a transaction to get the GET_FILESTREAM_TRANSACTION_CONTEXT, but then you close that again before you actually write out your bytes. I think the transaction should span all operations - it should start before you get the transaction context, and it should stay alive for the whole write operation, and only be committed once the whole write operation is done.
I tried to come up with a simpler code snippet to show you - it's in C#, since I couldn't convert it back to VB.NET:
public static void WriteFileStream(byte[] imSource, int imSize)
// use your own SQL insert command here instead
const string InsertCmd = "INSERT INTO PhotoAlbum(PhotoId, Description)" +
" VALUES(@PhotoId, @Description)";
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnStr))
// create transaction here and let it stay alive!
using (SqlTransaction txn = conn.BeginTransaction())
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(InsertCmd, conn, txn))
cmd.Parameters.Add("@PhotoId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = photoId;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@Description", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = desc;
SafeFileHandle handle = GetOutputFileHandle(photoId, txn);
MemoryStream inputStream = new MemoryStream(imSource);
using (FileStream dest = new FileStream(handle, FileAccess.Write))
byte[] buffer = new byte[BlockSize];
int bytesRead;
while ((bytesRead = inputStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
dest.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
// commit transaction here, after all is done
This is adapted from the blog post SQL Server 2008 FILESTREAM Part 3: OpenSqlFileStream API - check that out by all means!
Dear marc_s look at my code
Public Sub WriteFileStream(ByVal imSource As Byte(), ByVal imSize As Integer, ByVal imTy As Type, ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim subProvider As String = Nothing
Dim subDataSource As Object = Nothing
Dim subUid As String = Nothing
Dim subPwd As String = Nothing
Dim subDataBase As String = Nothing
Dim subPSI As Boolean = Nothing
Dim ParamXML() As String = Nothing
Dim TypeOfServer As String = "Remote"
Dim imParam(3) As String
Dim imTable(1) As String
Dim RemoteSQLcmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand
Dim tokenReader As SqlDataReader
Dim AbsRecord As Int64 = 0
Dim VarString(10) As String
Dim VarInt(10) As Integer
ParamXML = Split(loadXmlFile(TypeOfServer, sender, e), "|")
subUid = ParamXML(3)
subProvider = ParamXML(0)
subDataSource = ParamXML(1)
subDataBase = ParamXML(2)
subPwd = ParamXML(4)
subPSI = ParamXML(5)
Dim SchemaID As String = Convert.ToInt16(ParamXML(8))
Dim SchemaName As String = Nothing
If SchemaID = 1 Then
SchemaName = subUid
ElseIf SchemaID = 2 Then
SchemaName = "dbo"
ElseIf SchemaID = 0 Then
SchemaName = "dbo"
End If
imTable(0) = "tPDetails"
imTable(1) = "tPImages"
imParam(0) = Me.TextBox1.Text.Trim.ToString 'Name'
imParam(1) = Me.TextBox2.Text.Trim.ToString 'Code'
imParam(2) = Me.TextBox3.Text.Trim.ToString 'Price'
imParam(3) = Me.TextBox4.Text.Trim.ToString 'Comments'
If RemoteSQLConn.State = ConnectionState.Open Then RemoteSQLConn.Close()
SQL_Connection(TypeOfServer, TypeOfServer & "Conn.xml", sender, e)
Dim imHolder As Image = Image.FromStream(imStream)
Dim imHeight As Integer = imHolder.Height
Dim imWidth As Integer = imHolder.Width
Dim imLength As Integer = imHolder.PropertyItems.Length
Dim imType As Type = imTy
Dim FirstColumnNames As String = _
imTable(0) & "_Code, " & _
imTable(0) & "_Price, " & _
imTable(0) & "_Title, " & _
imTable(0) & "_Type, " & _
imTable(0) & "_Height, " & _
imTable(0) & "_Width, " & _
imTable(0) & "_Stock, " & _
imTable(0) & "_Comments "
Dim FirstFieldsValues As String = "'" & imParam(1) & "', '" & _
imParam(2) & "', '" & _
imParam(0) & "', '" & _
imType.ToString & "', '" & _
imHeight & "', '" & _
imWidth & "', '" & _
"0', '" & _
imParam(3) & "' "
RemoteSQLcmd = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO " & _
SchemaName & "." & imTable(0) & " (" & FirstColumnNames & ") VALUES (" & FirstFieldsValues & ") ", RemoteSQLConn)
RemoteSQLcmd = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM " & SchemaName & "." & imTable(0) & _
" WHERE " & imTable(0) & "_Code = " & "'" & imParam(1) & "'", RemoteSQLConn)
AbsRecord = RemoteSQLcmd.ExecuteScalar
RemoteSQLcmd = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO " & SchemaName & "." & imTable(1) & " VALUES (newid(), " & AbsRecord & ", CAST('' as varbinary(max)))", RemoteSQLConn)
RemoteSQLcmd = New SqlCommand("SELECT " & imTable(1) & "_Image.PathName() FROM " & _
SchemaName & "." & imTable(1) & " WHERE " & imTable(1) & "_" & imTable(0) & "_ID = " & AbsRecord, RemoteSQLConn)
Dim filePathName As String = Nothing
Dim pathObj As Object = RemoteSQLcmd.ExecuteScalar()
'-------------------------------------------------- Path Name '
If Not pathObj.Equals(DBNull.Value) Then
filePathName = DirectCast(pathObj, String)
Throw New System.Exception("Image.PathName() failed to read the path name for the Image column.")
End If
'-------------------------- GET_FILESTREAM_TRANSACTION_CONTEXT()'
Dim RemoteSQLtx As SqlTransaction = RemoteSQLConn.BeginTransaction("MainTranaction")
RemoteSQLcmd.Transaction = RemoteSQLtx
Dim tokenObject As Object = RemoteSQLcmd.ExecuteScalar()
'-------------------------------------- File Token '
tokenReader = RemoteSQLcmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow)
Dim txContext As SqlBinary = DirectCast(tokenObject, Byte())
'-------------------- Closing all connections'
If RemoteSQLConn.State = ConnectionState.Open Then RemoteSQLConn.Close()
If RemoteSQLcmd.Connection.State = ConnectionState.Open Then RemoteSQLcmd.Connection.Close()
If RemoteConnInfo.State = ConnectionState.Open Then RemoteConnInfo.Close()
RemoteSQLtx.Dispose() '.Connection.State = ConnectionState.Open Then RemoteSQLtx.Connection.Close()
'-------------------- Open connections for Indegrated Security''
RemoteConnInfo.ConnectionString = "Provider=" & subProvider & "; Data Source=" & subDataSource & _
"; Database=" & subDataBase & "; Integrated Security=" & "SSPI" & "; Persist Security Info=" & subPSI
RemoteSQLConn = New SqlConnection("Server=" & subDataSource & "; Integrated Security=TRUE" & "; database=" & subDataBase)
RemoteSQLtx = RemoteSQLConn.BeginTransaction("MainTranaction")
RemoteSQLcmd.Transaction = RemoteSQLtx
'------------------------- Write in to file stream ---------------'
Dim imImage As Byte() = New Byte(imStream.Length) {}
Dim bytesRead As Integer = imStream.Read(imImage, 0, imStream.Length)
Dim sqlFile As New SqlFileStream(filePathName, txContext, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileOptions.WriteThrough, 0)
Dim numBytes As Integer = 0
Dim unicode As Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(0)
While bytesRead > 0
sqlFile.Write(imImage, 0, bytesRead)
bytesRead = imStream.Read(imImage, 0, imSize)
End While
Catch FsEx As Exception
MessageBox.Show(FsEx.Message, "Write in SQL File Stream ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop)
End Try
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "WriteFileStream ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop)
End Try
End Sub