



Is there an easy way to verify all files were copied correctly when calling copy-item? I thought about using the checksum on all files, but I would imagine powershell (v2) would already have something, and I can't find it.

+2  A: 

No there isn't and here is why. Copy-Item is a generic cmdlet that works for all namespace providers. So the items being copied could be files, or registry settings, or IIS configuration sections, etc. Verifying a file copy is quite a bit different than verifying a copy of registry settings.

So if you are doing file copying and really need verification, there is always good old XCOPY. Still works fine from PowerShell.

XCOPY source destination /V
[tastes great, less filling] ;-)

Mark Arnott

I know it's an old thread, but I thought I'd post this just in case anyone else is reading it... the /v switch DOES NOT verify the data! It just makes sure that the copy is readable. See for details.

Cheers, Dave

Dave S

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