I am building a server-client program with c and having some problen wtih sendina a whole file with send() and recv() function. I need to send the whole file with these but all these functions can do is send a string. The main problem is with sending the exe or other binary formet data. Should I use htons or htonl func? I dunno how to use those along these as I am merely a noob.
I am stuck with this and love your help. Thanks!!
Here is the server side recv function ::
if (socket_type != SOCK_DGRAM)
fi = fopen (final,"wb");
retval = recv(msgsock, recv_buf, strlen(recv_buf), 0);
/*recv_buf[retval] = '\0';
fprintf (fi,"%s",recv_buf);*/
int i;
char *q;
q=(char *)malloc(i*sizeof(char));
retval = recv(msgsock, q, strlen(q), 0);
//printf ("%s",q);
retval = recvfrom(msgsock,recv_buf, sizeof(recv_buf), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen);
printf("Server: Received datagram from %s\n", inet_ntoa(from.sin_addr));
printf ("SOCK_DGRAM");
if (retval == SOCKET_ERROR)
fprintf(stderr,"Server: recv() failed: error %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
printf("Server: recv() is OK.\n");
if (retval == 0)
printf("Server: Client closed connection.\n");
printf("Server: Received %d bytes, data from client\n", retval);
The client side sending function :::
void send_command() { int bytesent; FILE *file_out; //file_out = fopen(file_path,"rb"); char str_all[100000];//flag [30]="end";
char fsize[5];
int filesize;
file_out = fopen(file_path, "rb");
fseek(file_out, 0, SEEK_END);
filesize = ftell(file_out);
rewind (file_out);
itoa (filesize,fsize,10);
send (ConnectSocket, fsize, strlen (fsize), 0);
char *r = (char *)malloc (filesize * sizeof(char));
bytesent = send( ConnectSocket, r, strlen(r), 0 );
printf("\nClient: Bytes sent: %ld\n", bytesent);
fclose (file_out);
/*while (fscanf(file_out,"%s",&str_all) != EOF)
bytesent = send( ConnectSocket, str_all, strlen(str_all), 0 );
printf("\nClient: Bytes sent: %ld\n", bytesent);
send( ConnectSocket, flag, strlen(flag), 0 );*/
//return 0;