When in C# we have the out
and ref
parameter options, in VB there is a only one: ByRef
Now, little 'problem' when trying to 'eliminate' the compiler warning saying that test was not initialized before passing as argument:
Dim test As MyParsableClass ' = Nothing need imperatively?? '
' some code ... '
MyParsableClass.TryParse("value", test) ' warning on "test" here
the class brief declaration:
Class MyParsableClass
Public Shared Function TryParse(ByVal value As String, _
ByRef myParsableClass As MyParsableClass) As Boolean
myParsableClass = Nothing
If True Then
' parse code OK'
myParsableClass = New MyParsableClass()
Return True
' parse code NOK '
' myParsableClass remains Nothing '
Return False
End If
End Function
End Class
maybe a solution was to declare
...Optional ByRef myParsableClass As MyParsableClass = Nothing)
but I can't set this parameter as optional one. What will happen if I'll miss it?
PS. (edit)
In the real project, my "parsable" class is MyHour
with Hour
and Minute
properties. I wrote already the Parse(value as String)
with a FormatException, but I think the code could be more clear, compact and quick when I will not use try catch blocks...