



Does anyone know an API function to extract an icon resource from an executable file that's in RAM (inside, say, a MemoryStream)?

All of the icon-extracting functions I've seen so far depend on the executable file being present on disk. I'd like to extract the icon without having to write the exe to a temp file, and then loading the resources from it.


Hi, if we are talking about taking icon from already build DLL use Reflector

to open the DLL and the just click on the icon with the right mouse button and click Save As also this can be done by code using reflection

Assembly myAssembly = Assembly.Load("SampleAssembly, Version=1.0.2004.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8744b20f8da049e3");
Stream myStream = myAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream( "MyNamespace.SubFolder.MyImage.bmp" );
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap( myStream );

Best Regards, Iordan

I think he specific said that he want to read icons from memory.
+1  A: 

This is never a real problem. Windows has the hard requirement that an executable is a file on disk. You can't start a process otherwise. Since you have to write the file to disk anyway, you never have a problem extracting resources from it with an API that requires a path to a file.

Hans Passant
Thanks; I'll have to bite the bullet on that one.
Dmitry Brant