After performing a cluster analysis to my dataset (a dataframe named data.matrix), I added a new column, named cluster, at the end (col 27) containing the cluster name that each instance belongs to.
What I want now, is a representative instance from each cluster. I tried to find the instance having the smallest euclidean distance from the cluster's centroid (and repeat the procedure for each one of my clusters)
This is what I did. Can you think of other -perhaps more elegant- ways? (assume numeric columns with no nulls).
clusters <- levels(data.matrix$cluster)
cluster_col = c(27)
for (j in 1:length(clusters)) {
# get the subset for cluster j
data = data.matrix[data.matrix$cluster == clusters[j],]
# remove the cluster column
data <- data[,-cluster_col]
# calculate the centroid
cent <- mean(data)
# copy data to data.matrix_cl, attaching a distance column at the end
data.matrix_cl <- cbind(data, dist = apply(data, 1, function(x) {sqrt(sum((x - cent)^2))}))
# get instances with min distance
candidates <- data.matrix_cl[data.matrix_cl$dist == min(data.matrix_cl$dist),]
# print their rownames
print(paste("Candidates for cluster ",j))