



Okay, this is a strange one.

I'm trying to create a custom culture using:

using System.Globalization;


var x = new CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder();

But I get the nasty red Resharper error with no options.

The type or namespace name 'CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Globalization'

What's going on, am I missing something? Can't find any help on google...

+3  A: 

You need to add a reference to sysglobl.dll. This is already installed in the GAC as sysglobl.

For future reference, if you check the MSDN page for CultureAndRegionInfo you can see that it says

Namespace: System.Globalization

Assembly: sysglobl (in sysglobl.dll)

The issue is that namespaces can be spread across different assemblies (for example, System.Globalization.CultureInfo lives in mscorlib.)

Thanks. I did see that, but when I was looking for the assembly to add, I was looking for "System.Globalization" ... I missed "sysglobal" in the list.