I've got a basic preprocessor grammar with the following Tree Parser rules.
What I'd like to figure out is if I can remove the syntactic predicates in the expand_item rule.
The rule checks if it finds and identifier, if so it calls the identifier_expand
rule to see if it's a macro name we know about. If it finds an expanded macro then it matches the tree based on the .
and then recursively matches the rest of the tree. Finally it matches an other
case where we know we don't care about the current item and the call expand_item on the next value.
What I'd like to be able to do is change macro_expand
to look like so:
: #( MACRO ( macro_expand )* )
and then use something like ~(MACRO|IDENT) instead of the .
in the other tree matching rule.
Is there something like the ~
for trees? ie can I say match any tree starting with any token except for the following list?
The grammar:
: ( expand_item )*
: ( IDENTIFIER )=> identifier_expand
| ( MACRO )=> macro_expand
| other
{ HaveMacro(id->getText()) }? { #identifier_expand = MacroExpand(#id); }
| { #identifier_expand = #id; }
: #( . ( macro_expand )* )
: #( . ( expand_item )* )
I'm using Antlr v2 if that matters