



I've been unsuccessful at getting a simple cube geometry with shading turned on to display correctly.

This is c# code, but the values are being passed through SlimDX directly to C++ code.

            pParams.BackBufferWidth = 0;
            pParams.BackBufferHeight = 0;
            pParams.BackBufferCount = 1;
            pParams.BackBufferFormat = Format::X8R8G8B8;
            pParams.Multisample = MultisampleType::None;
            pParams.MultisampleQuality = 0;
            pParams.DeviceWindowHandle = this.Handle;
            pParams.Windowed = true;
            pParams.AutoDepthStencilFormat = Format.D24X8;
            pParams.EnableAutoDepthStencil = true;
            pParams.PresentFlags = PresentFlags.None;
            pParams.FullScreenRefreshRateInHertz = 0;
            pParams.PresentationInterval = PresentInterval.Immediate;
            pParams.SwapEffect = SwapEffect.Discard;

... are the values in the PresentParameter struct used to set up my Direct3D9Device object.

During a rendering, SetRenderState is called as follows:

        this.D3DDevice.Clear(ClearFlags.Target | ClearFlags.ZBuffer, this.BackColor, 10000.0f, 0);
        this.D3DDevice.SetRenderState(RenderState.Ambient, false);
        this.D3DDevice.SetRenderState(RenderState.ZEnable, ZBufferType.UseZBuffer);
        this.D3DDevice.SetRenderState(RenderState.ZWriteEnable, true);
        this.D3DDevice.SetRenderState(RenderState.ZFunc, Compare.LessEqual);

Again, this is passed through to C++ code, which marshals the values in to calls a C++ programmer would not fear.

The primitives are diffuse colored vertices (D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE). The wireframe view looks like this: wireframe view

The nearer pair of larger triangles is the near face of a cube.

The filled view looks like this: full view 1

Or this, on a subsequent rendering call: full view 2

I'm not sure how to fix this. Where should I begin looking?

Edit: The camera projection matrix looks about like this for one of the frames:

{[[M11:0.6281456 M12:0.7659309 M13:0.1370506 M14:0] 
  [M21:0.7705086 M22:-0.5877584 M23:-0.2466911 M24:0] 
  [M31:-0.1083957 M32:0.2605566 M33:-0.9593542 M34:0] 
  [M41:-3.225646 M42:-1.096823 M43:20.91392 M44:1]]}

And, the view matrix looks like this:

camera.ViewMatrix = {[[M11:0.6281456 M12:0.7659309 M13:0.1370506 M14:0] 
                      [M21:0.7705086 M22:-0.5877584 M23:-0.2466911 M24:0] 
                      [M31:-0.1083957 M32:0.2605566 M33:-0.9593542 M34:0] 
                      [M41:-3.225646 M42:-1.096823 M43:20.91392 M44:1]]}

A hunch: Try enabling the Z-Buffer before you clear.

Kevin Conner
I tried that and one other ordering variant, with no change in the image.
Rob Perkins
+2  A: 

Clear the Z-Buffer to 1.0f not 10000.0f.

From the Clear docs in the SDK:

[in] Clear the depth buffer to this new z value which ranges from 0 to 1.. 

It may also be useful to see your projection matrix and viewport settings ...

Edit: How do you build that projection matrix? You have set zNear to 0 and zFar to 1. Try setting your zNear to 0.001f and zFar to 1000.0f and see whether that helps you at all...

Thank you Goz, that got it. The problem was in the data structure for the Camera object which computes the projection matrix.
Rob Perkins