



So I've been trying to implement a quicksort myself, just to learn something from it, but it also generates a stackoverflowexception, but I can't seem to find what the cause is.

Can someone give me a clue?

  public void Partition(List<int> valuelist, out List<int> greater, out List<int> lesser)
            lesser = new List<int>();  // <-- Stackoverflow exception here!
            greater = new List<int>();

            if (valuelist.Count <= 1)

            pivot = valuelist.First();

            foreach (int Element in valuelist)
                if (Element <= pivot)

        public List<int> DoQuickSort(List<int> list)
            List<int> great;
            List<int> less;

            Partition(list, out great, out less);


            list = (List<int>)less.Concat(great);

            return list;

+5  A: 

you are doing an infinite loop right there


you need a way to get out of that loop with a flag or a condition

I will add that in debugging mode, with default setting, you can only reach between 10,000 and 16,000 recursive call before an exception is thrown and between 50,000 and 80,000 when in release mode, all depend on the actual code executed.

If you play with a huge number of values, you might need to manage yourself that recursive call by using a Stack object.

sample code to see how much call before it crash;
(debug; 14,210 call, release 80,071 call)

   static int s = 1;
    static void Main(string[] args)

    static void o()
Right - because the pivot is put as the first entry in `great`, so you'll end using the same pivot every time.
Paul Tomblin
Yeah, there isn't any condition checking in the DoQuickSort method. The Partition method is smart enough to know when to quit, but that kind of check isn't being done in the caller.
+2  A: 

You're not putting any conditions on your recursive calls to DoQuicksort, so it'll never stop recursing, leading to a stack overflow. You should only be calling DoQuicksort on a list if it contains more than one element.

Edit: As Will said in his comment, this is a very slow approach to "Quicksort". You should look at in-place partitioning algorithms, as mentioned on Wikipedia's Quicksort article.

Will Vousden
+1  A: 

I think one of the problems in your code that you keep the pivot value when partitioning the list. This means that you will run into a situation where all values partition into either greater or less, and the partitioning will stop working. This will effectively not letting you split one of the lists anylonger, so the exit condition in the Partition method is never satisfied.

You should select a pivot value, remove the pivot element from the list (this part is missing in your code), parition it in greater and less lists, sort those (recursively), and then concatenate the less list, the pivot element (this is also, naturally, missing in your code) and the greater list.

I can post an updated, working, code sample, but since you are in "learning mode", I will keep it to myself until you ask for it :)

Fredrik Mörk
+1 thanks for the explanation!
Do I remove a new pivot value each time going through it? and add it again in it's right place @ the end of the partition? Confused?!?
@Tony: I think that the pseudocode samples in the Wikipedia article may straighten it out for you:
Fredrik Mörk