




I've written this code to generate a collection. I've tried to filter the collection using subsonic.where but its not working. Actually the where clause will change on user input so i cannot add the where clause to the sqlquery and also the datatable will be filled with different data from the collection based on the user input. How can I acheive this. Also i want the collection to be unchanged so that i use it further to filter with another where clause. Alo the I've selected only two columns but all columns are showing up. Please help.

Dim sq As SB.SqlQuery = New SB.Select("product.prodcode as 'Product Code'").From(DB.Product.Schema)
Dim wh As SB.Where = New SB.Where()
Dim prod As DB.ProductCollection = sq.ExecuteAsCollection(Of DB.ProductCollection)()

wh.ColumnName = DB.Product.ServiceColumn.PropertyName
wh.Comparison = SubSonic.Comparison.NotEquals
wh.ParameterValue = System.Decimal.One

Dim tab As DataTable = prod.Where(wh).Filter().ToDataTable()
Me.GridControl1.DataSource = tab
+1  A: 

What you're doing doesn't make much sense - the where needs to go onto the query, then hit the DB - that's the way it should work. If you want to filter after the fact you can use Linq's Where(), which will filter the list for you.

Rob Conery
But I'm not using linq. I'm using .net 2.0. How can I filter a collection or dataset with subsonic
Soham Dasgupta
Use the Where() and let the DB filter it. If that doesn't do it for you, filter your collection by hand. If that doesn't work for you then you'll need a different platform.
Rob Conery
Check out the examples here for using SubSonic's Where(): http://subsonicproject.com/docs/Simple_Query_Tool