I found the following in a previous post but need some help with it:
// For VML detection, here's what google maps does (search for "function Xd"):
function supportsVml() {
if (typeof supportsVml.supported == "undefined") {
var a = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
a.innerHTML = '<v:shape id="vml_flag1" adj="1" />';
var b = a.firstChild;
b.style.behavior = "url(#default#VML)";
supportsVml.supported = b ? typeof b.adj == "object": true;
return supportsVml.supported;
I would like to use the code to divert users to an alternative page when VML is not supported. Please could somebody show me how to write and implement the code to divert, say, to a page called alternative.html.
I have some knowledge of javascript but not this level!