I have a test graph here that I would like to tweak to make it look nicer.
Here is the graphviz (dot) source, test6.dot
digraph G {
ranksep=0.3; size="6.0,6.0";
node [fontsize=11];
subgraph clusterA {
X2 [shape=box];
node [style=filled];
1 -> 2 -> 3 -> X2 -> 5;
label = "A";
X1 [shape=box];
subgraph clusterB {
node [style=filled];
10 -> 11 -> 12;
12 -> 9;
12 -> 8 -> 13;
13 -> 14;
label = "B";
subgraph clusterC {
label = "C";
node [style="invis"];
node [shape=box];
edge [style="invis"];
X3 -> gap -> X4;
14 -> X4 -> 3;
6 -> X1 -> 10;
{ edge [dir="both"];
8 -> X3 -> 7;
9 -> X3
Questions / changes I would like to make:
- I want the flow of nodes
10 -> 11 -> 12 -> 8 -> 13 -> 14
to be in a vertical line (swap 8 and 9 horizontally). How can I do this? (same with1 -> 2 -> 3 -> X2 -> 5
; swap 6 and 1) - I want X1 to be at the same vertical position as 10, and the same horizontal position as 6. How can I do this?
- I want 8 and X3 and 7 to be at the same vertical position, also with 14 and X4 and 3. How can I do this?
- The
statement works great except note that8 -> 13 -> 14
has a larger gap, as doesX3 -> gap -> X4
. Why doesn't it obey the ranksep=0.3 rule, and how do I fix this?