



I want to publish my c# project (c# 2008 express edition) and create an (msi) installer with Inno Setup Compiler. How can I do this?


Set build mode to "Release" and then take everything inside the \bin directory and toss it into you MSI.

The VS Express editions do NOT include a built-in method for creating an MSI like the VS Pro/Ultimate do.

Nate Bross
I can't find any way to set the build mode in VS Express edition. Are all those extra files needed in my Release folder? Like projectname.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache, projectname.Form1.resources, etc.
The only things you should need from the Bin folder are the DLLs and possibly the .configs.
Chris Haas
If you want to build Release in VS Express, go to: "Tool -> Options". Make sure that "Show all settings" is checked, then go to: "Projects and Solutions -> General" Check the option "Show advanced build options".