Lifted directly from C# 3.0 in a Nutshell:
When a node or attribute is added to an element (whether via functional construction or an Add method) the node or attribute's Parent property is set to that element. A node can have only one parent element: if you add an already parented node to a second parent, the node is automatically deep-cloned. In the following example, each customer has a separate copy of address:
var address = new XElement ("address",
new XElement ("street", "Lawley St"),
new XElement ("town", "North Beach")
var customer1 = new XElement ("customer1", address);
var customer2 = new XElement ("customer2", address);
customer1.Element ("address").Element ("street").Value = "Another St";
Console.WriteLine (
customer2.Element ("address").Element ("street").Value); // Lawley St
This automatic duplication keeps X-DOM object instantiation free of side effects—another hallmark of functional programming.