If I've got the following, really for any string where you check IsNullOrEmpty and it turns up empty, what kind of exception type should one throw, and it's not a argument to a method?
I always have a hard time picking exception types because there are so damn many of them. And this is just grabbing a value from the web.config and checking if SandboxSoapApiUsername returned empty.
throw new WTF do I throw here??? ahhh
It probably depends on the use/context right? Well I will use the string returned to set a class private field. So I need to check if it's empty string early in the process rather than later (rather than rely on other code to check the property related to the private field I will set ConfigUtility.SandboxSoapApiUsername to).
Since the properties in this class that I'm setting each ConfigUtility.MEthodName to is going to be used in a SOAP request I thought maybe UriFormatException would be appropriate here even though this is not the Uri?