How can I clean a single vc project file? I tried this:
devenv SolutionName.sln /Clean SolnConfigName The\Path\to\the\FileToClean.vcproj
but it dosn't work. How can I do it? thanks
How can I clean a single vc project file? I tried this:
devenv SolutionName.sln /Clean SolnConfigName The\Path\to\the\FileToClean.vcproj
but it dosn't work. How can I do it? thanks
According to the MSDN reference for /Clean the syntax is:
devenv /clean SolnConfigName SolutionName [/project ProjName] [/projectconfig ProjConfigName]
For example:
devenv /clean Debug "C:\Documents and Settings\someuser\My Documents\Visual Studio\Projects\MySolution\MySolution.sln" /project "CSharpWinApp\CSharpWinApp.csproj" /projectconfig Debug
I replaced "The\Path\to\the\FileToClean.vcproj" with "FileToClean". Now it works