I am trying to use an X509Certificate within an ASP.NET web service within the Rackspace Cloud. I have a feeling the certificate stores on the cloud nodes maybe causing problems. I also have a question related to this with the exception that I am receiving at SslStream.AuthenticateAsClient Exception when using iPhone Apple Push Notification Provider (apns-sharp) C#
Within the apns-sharp project I was using the following code:
certificate = new X509Certificate2(p12File)
However I received an exception and changing the code to the following resolved the X509Certificate2 exception. The new code is as follows:
certificate = new X509Certificate2(p12File, String.Empty, X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet);
I would like to know if I can use an X509Certificate2 within ASP.NET without using a certificate store? Would the certificate stores be causing problems with the Rackspace Cloud nodes?
Update #1 Rackspace tell me that access to the Local Machine Certificate store is not permitted. Is there any other way to bypass using the certificate store? Maybe using a third party library?