Hi, Is the singleton requirement of a provider is a performance hit ? Because all the database read/write opertions must be taking place through that singleton. Wouldnt it be an issue with multiple users doing read/write operation in a site like Blogger.
Instead of using a Singleton to access your database directly, have your Singleton manage a pool of connections. Use the Singleton as a global access point. That way, you can then avoid the bottleneck of a single connection, while still being able to manage the connections.
2010-01-20 06:52:54
You should definitly use a connection pool, and limit the max number of connections to say 200 depending on hardware and traffic.
const string connString = "server=localhost;" +
"uid=user;" +
"pwd=secret;" +
"database=Northwind;" +
"Min Pool Size=50;" +
"Max Pool Size=200";
Further tips regarding performance:
2010-01-20 07:52:39