



Hi all expert, Somebody pls clear my concept What is HTTP module and HTTP Handler and how does they work while page requesting???

  1. How authentication and Authorization process work in

Thanks, Kumar

+1  A: 

Authentication and authorization are events on your Http Pipeline. You can hook on to these modules and do some custom authentication/authorization by making config changes and implementing IHttpModule interface

from msdn:

An ASP.NET HTTP handler is the process (frequently referred to as the "endpoint") that runs in response to a request made to an ASP.NET Web application

So when IIS receives a request for ".aspx" file, it would tell the aspnet process to handle it. You can configure your own handlers and tell how to handle requests by implementing IHttpHandler interface.

Here is a good low level explanation from Rikh Strahl. Look at this diagram, you can understand them better.

google search can give you a lot of results, but you learn by implementing it :). here is an example. Happy coding.
