(To Ruddy: code sample below if it reveals anything)
I eventually just did a PostMessage(hwnd,EM_UNDO...) from within the EN_PROTECTED handler and that is what I had to do to get this working for me. Returning TRUE never accomplished anything, though I know the handler was being hit and only for protected text. (the ODS function below is OutputDebugString).
But I've seen multiple examples on the web (most of them MFC however or sometimes DELPHI or something), where just returning TRUE in the EN_PROTECTED handler is said to prevent the change.
Actually, my Rich Edit Control was within a dialog but was being created with CreateWindowEx,so I tried intializing it through the RC file instead but it made no difference. (Some of the stuff I'm doing is kind of old school admittedly - sorry about that.) But actually I tried anything and everything to make EN_PROTECTED work like its documented and nothing worked - bizarre.
Oh well, EM_UNDO from within the EN_PROTECTED handler works, so guess I'll stick with that.
Original code (with the added EM_UNDO call):
case WM_NOTIFY: {
NM_UPDOWN* nm = (NM_UPDOWN*)lParam;
if ((nm->hdr.code == UDN_DELTAPOS) && (nm->hdr.idFrom == ID_UPD_ERR)) {
int e = nm->iPos + nm->iDelta;
else if (wParam == ID_EDIT_A) {
if (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code == EN_PROTECTED) {
ODS("EN_PROTECTED", (int)((ENPROTECTED*)lParam)->msg);
return TRUE;
if (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code == EN_SELCHANGE) {