Model #1 - This model sits in a database on our Dev Server.
Model #2 - This model sits in a database on our Prod Server and is updated each day by automatic feeds.
I have written what should be some simple code to sync my feed (Model #2) into my working DB (Model #1). Please note this is prototype code and the models may not be as pretty as they should. Also, the entry into Model #1 for the feed link data (mainly ClientID) is a manual process at this point which is why I am writing this simple sync method.
private void SyncFeeds()
var sourceList = from a in _dbFeed.Auto where a.Active == true select a;
foreach (RivWorks.Model.NegotiationAutos.Auto source in sourceList)
var targetList = from a in _dbRiv.Product where a.alternateProductID == source.AutoID select a;
if (targetList.Count() > 0)
// UPDATE...
var product = targetList.First();
product.alternateProductID = source.AutoID;
product.isFromFeed = true;
product.isDeleted = false;
product.SKU = source.StockNumber;
catch (Exception ex)
string m = ex.Message;
// INSERT...
long clientID = source.Client.ClientID;
var companyDetail = (from a in _dbRiv.AutoNegotiationDetails where a.ClientID == clientID select a).First();
var company = companyDetail.Company;
switch (companyDetail.FeedSourceTable.ToUpper())
case "AUTO":
var product = new RivWorks.Model.Negotiation.Product();
product.alternateProductID = source.AutoID;
product.isFromFeed = true;
product.isDeleted = false;
product.SKU = source.StockNumber;
catch (Exception ex)
string m = ex.Message;
Now for the questions:
- In Model #2, the class structure for Auto is missing ClientID (see red circled area). Now, everything I have learned, EF creates a child class of Client and I should be able to find the ClientID in the child class. Yet, when I run my code, source.Client is a NULL object. Am I expecting something that EF does not do? Is there a way to populate the child class correctly?
- Why does EF hide the child entity ID (ClientID in this case) in the parent table? Is there any way to expose it?
- What else sticks out like the proverbial sore thumb?