I think I may be approaching this issue wrong but here goes... I'm trying to apply attributes (non-html) to web controls through the designer such as:
[MHCSecurityAttribute("testpermission", true)]
protected global::System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox test1;
The idea is to loop through the controls collection within a base page and pull back these attributes and then "lock down" the control by either making readonly or enabled/disabled...
Here is the issue though... The control collection is the instance im after but Control.GetType is going to get the type associated with say a TextBox... while I'm really looking for the attribute I set on the page itself for that instance. On the page itself I'm not how to even reference the type. On the page if I look on the this.GetType().GetMembers()... I still don't see my attribute for my control. Any thoughts?