In my project I need to use inline Assembly, but it need to be Nasm, because I'm not too much familiar with GAS.
My try:
void DateAndTime()
(.l1: mov al,10 ;Get RTC register A
out RTCaddress,al
in al,RTCdata
test al,0x80 ;Is update in progress?
jne .l1 ; yes, wait
mov al,0 ;Get seconds (00 to 59)
out RTCaddress,al
in al,RTCdata
mov [RTCtimeSecond],al
mov al,0x02 ;Get minutes (00 to 59)
out RTCaddress,al
in al,RTCdata
mov [RTCtimeMinute],al
mov al,0x04 ;Get hours (see notes)
out RTCaddress,al
in al,RTCdata
mov [RTCtimeHour],al
mov al,0x07 ;Get day of month (01 to 31)
out RTCaddress,al
in al,RTCdata
mov [RTCtimeDay],al
mov al,0x08 ;Get month (01 to 12)
out RTCaddress,al
in al,RTCdata
mov [RTCtimeMonth],al
mov al,0x09 ;Get year (00 to 99)
out RTCaddress,al
in al,RTCdata
mov [RTCtimeYear],al
There is any way to do this but using Nasm instead of GAS?
I think I need to add a argument when compiling.