I have been asked to convert a legacy app containing some crystal reports from vb6 standalone to .net c# web based application
This is my first .net c# web app so I am learning as I go
My attempts to get crystal reports .net (included version not licensed) have failed.
I was pleasantly surprised to find that I could simply copy the .rpt files into visual studio 2008 and they worked... well almost
opening the .rpt file works fine in the ide, I can view the report and its populated correctly
On the other hand if I try to edit the report from the smart tag in the crystalreportsource (on the aspx page) fails with "report source not configured" even though it is.
at runtime I get the error "report failed to load"
I also need to connect to a SQL database using one of the connection strings provided in web.config this connection string can be changed at runtime (to a training db)
I searched and found several techniques for changing the connection string but any attempt to change the connection properties at runtime fails.
So I was wondering if there are any gotcha's that I need to know about?
Am I doomed to failure?
If necessary is there an easy way to convert to Microsofts reportviewer?
DC (aka dazed and confused)
RESOLVED: fails with "report source not configured"
The problem appears that a reference wasn't loaded or was loaded incorrectly I re-added the crystal reports references which immediately crashed VS2008 once restarted I loaded them again and the error disappeared.