





A job came in to me that's built with CodeCharge - had a look at it and seems to be a pretty basic point-and-click site builder tool. Has anyone got any in-depth experience with it? My first reaction is one of horror and to just rebuild the code in Rails or PHP but I thought I'd ask the question first, maybe i'm missing something...


I'm currently evaluating it for use in quickly producing a back-office environment, and it seems a very comfortable way of getting an interface up and running quickly. Once the code is generated it is simple, but easily modified for any special needs you have.

In short it is a very good tool (though it would seem that Iron Speed Designer is much better though much more expensive) for what it does - fast prototyping and almost no coding approach to developing a web application. In my opinion, not much different than a Ruby On Rails application in terms of functionality, and, I can generate the code in any language I want.

You have to realize, it is all about speed - some quality is thrown in, but it is a very generic of quality - this is NOT a custom application, mind you, the resulting code you get here might not be pretty but it is a few level higher than your average script kiddie code.

I'm seriously considering this tool for creating back-office applications for sites I develop - a fast and easy solution instead of mucking around in tables of data and useless and repetitive SQL code.

Moshe Eshel