




Hey all, The situation is the following:
- The documentwriter gets initialized and the document gets put in a singleton
- Several classes inherit from DocumentGeneratorBase which adds a title, starts a new page and calls GeneratePages(Document doc)
- In this method there's content added to the document, when it ends, it starts the following etc

What do I want? When in the GeneratePages() method a new page gets started, i want to invoke an event and in some cases I want to add some extra lines to the beginning of the page. These extra lines are always different.

I already implement an own class which has the "public override void OnEndPage(iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter writer, iTextSharp.text.Document document)" event.

But it's here that I want to know where it comes from, whether or not the table I'm building is already done and (important!) get the part that needs to be repeated.

Does anyone have an idea? I hope I made myself clear :)

Thanks in advance