I thought it is related To Meta but it is a programming question any way.
I was trying to practice Stackoverflow Api as a test case, I have tried using SXAPI (stack Overflow Version 4).
When I try to run simple program to fetch some user info, like
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
User user = StackExchangeApi.User.GetUserWithId(175216, StackExchangeApi.StackExchangeSite.StackOverflow);
Response.Write(user.Name + " has asked " + user.Questions.Count + " questions");
I initially got this error
Call SXAPI.Initialize(...) before using SXAPI
Line 155: {
Line 156: if (UserAgent == null || !SXAPI.Initialized)
Line 157: throw new NotInitializedException();
Line 158:
Line 159: TimeSpan diff;
got it fixed using this peice of code:
SXAPI.Initialize("SoApiTest", new Uri("http://localhost:6832/Default.aspx"));
I cannot fingd this information any where as, why do we need to initialize the API, Is it the same case with all API's. Why addding a reference (.dll) is not enough like other applications ?