Anyone here a guru in Tikz-timing?
I am/was looking for a way to label a timing diagram with annotations, but the vertical scale is too compressed. I couldn't find a comprehensive list of options for the \timing command (or if I did, it was a meagre list).
My initial guesses at what they might be failed (e.g. height=), but eventually I stumbled onto an example from the document that confirmed that yscale= should work, and so it does.
Here's a code snippet to get you started:
\timing [yscale=2.0] at (0,0) {3H N (d7) 3L 3H N (d6) 3L 3H N (d5) 3L 3H N (d4) 3L 3H N (d3)3 L 3H N (d2) 3L 3H N (d1) 3L 3H N (d0) 3L 3H N (ack) 3L};
\path (d7) node [below left] {D7};
\path (d6) node [below left] {D6};
\path (d5) node [below left] {D5};
\path (d4) node [below left] {D4};
\path (d3) node [below left]{D3};
\path (d2) node [below left]{D2};
\path (d1) node [below left]{D1};
\path (d0) node [below left]{D0};
\path (ack) node [below left] {ACK};