Hey Guys,
I'm new to Ruby on Rails...I've been playing around with developing a social networking type app....I just added Restful Authentication to my app successfully..Now I would like to create a model/controller where each User once logged in can create/edit their own profile.
So I created the model and controller...the code in the Profile controller looks like this:
def new
@profile = Profile.new(params[:user_id])
if request.post?
flash[:notice] = 'Profile Saved'
redirect_to :action => 'index'
I am trying to connect the user_id [of restful auth.] of which ever user is in the session to the column user_id I made in the profile model. I have already add the "has_one :profile" to the user model and the "belongs_to :user" in the profile model...but its not adding the profile. I'm kind of stuck since I'm relatively new to this...should I add some thing to the session model or controller?
any help or ideas or places for research would really be appreciated...
Connecting new models to already existing ones is pretty important and I'd like to figure this thing out.