Hey Folks,
strcmp, when fed the results of strtok, in the following code seems to be blatantly lying to me.
int fSize;
char * buffer=NULL;
char * jobToken = "job";
char * nextToken=NULL;
job * curJob=NULL;
struct node * head=NULL;
struct node * parseList(FILE* file){
buffer = (char*)malloc(fSize+1);
printf("%d chars: reading buffer now:\n",fSize);
fread (buffer,1,fSize,file);
nextToken = strtok(buffer, " \n");
while (nextToken!=NULL){
printf("**Running Token: %s**\n",nextToken);
if (strcmp(nextToken,jobToken)){
printf("Accepted %s as %s\n",nextToken,jobToken);
printf("not %s, %s\n",jobToken,nextToken);
printf("End of state - %s\n",nextToken);
nextToken = strtok(NULL, " \n");
free (buffer);
return NULL;
With this input in a file in the parseList parameters:
job 23
job 10
Gives this output:
14 chars: reading buffer now:
**Running Token: job**
not job, job
End of state - job
**Running Token: 23**
Accepted 23 as job
End of state - 23
**Running Token: job**
not job, job
End of state - job
**Running Token: 10**
Accepted 10 as job
End of state - 10