



Hai guys,
I ve been using javascript to get my validations,effects and so on... Now i ve decide to use jquery in one of my webform application

  1. Is jquery worth a try with an webform application?

  2. Will ajax update panel be an issue for me when using jquery?

I ve studied that the ready event will not fire for an asynchronous postback caused from UpdatePanel control...

+2  A: 

Go with jQuery. Never look back. May the force be with you.

@grenade thanks man..
Pandiya Chendur
+3  A: 
  1. Yes, if the application has lots of javascript functionality you may take benefit of the numerous plugins
  2. No, jQuery has a compatibility mode.
  3. jQuery.ready event fires only when you reload the page and the DOM is ready for manipulation. For asynchronous postbacks of UpdatePanels use:

    function endRequest(sender, args) {
Darin Dimitrov