I'm doing some drag and drop js testing with selenium-client. It works (taking screengrabs before and after clearly show the elements to switch places), but I'm having trouble programatically asserting the change happened.
Am I mental, or can I not do something like:
selenium.assert_equal("css locator", "expected id of element")
which, in this case, would look something like:
selenium.assert_equal("css=li:nth-child(1)", "li#list_item_2")
Any tips on how to implement this would be great.
Edit: if I had selenium.get_element
that would take a selector and return what it was, I could then perform the assertion in the next step.
element = selenium.get_element("css=li:nth-child(1)")
assert_equal(element, "li#list_item_2")
(I think).