



What is the best practice for implementing the Post/Redirect/Get pattern in ASP.NET MVC? In particular, what is the best way to do this when you want to redirect back to the initial action/controller?

Here's how I am currently doing this:

  1. Display form to user.
    • In the form, use <%= Html.Hidden("returnUrl") %>
    • In the action, use ViewData["returnUrl"] = Request.Url;
  2. User submits the form via POST
  3. Redirect to the returnUrl model-binding, if not null. Otherwise, redirect to homepage.

This get's the job done, but it feels like this would result in a lot of duplication. I also realized that I could probably redirect to Request.UrlReferrer...

What do you suppose is the cleanest, most ideal method of accomplishing this?

+2  A: 

The way you're doing this is fine, but it looks like you might be overthinking it a little bit. Do your POST actions take form posts from more than one form? If not, why bother with a hidden form field? You could get away with a simple RedirectToAction("MyAction")

Scott Anderson
Currently, I do not take form posts from more than one form - so I definitely see your point. In this particular case, I'll probably just use RedirectToAction. If, however, I did have more than one form, would you still suggest I do it via my current method?
+1  A: 

Typically, an action that handles a POST knows where it needs to redirect upon successful submission. Therefore, each action that implements RGP can simply invoke RedirectToAction(string).

public ViewResult Edit(string email)
  // save the email
  return RedirectToAction("Edit");