



I want to learn more about creating my own, custom WS_CAPTION style, the end of which would allow me to build a custom CMainFrame for my application that will respond appropriately to Windows 7 drag events. Any books, web sites, etc that people recommend for learning this kind of thing?


Petzolds Programming Windows is probably a good start. It's very extensive.

+1  A: 

What's a 'custom WS_CAPTION style'? Are you trying to skin your title bar? Is it more than what you can do in WM_NCPAINT? Sorry if I'm wrong but from reading your question, it seems to me like you don't quite know how Windows painting works. Maybe you can expand on what you're trying to do.

You're right, I don't. That's what I'm trying to figure out. What I'm trying to do is have a window that does not have a title bar (from what I currently understand, a WS_CAPTION), but responds to the Windows 7 drag-to-restore feature. My window will respond appropriately already to drag-to-maximize and drag-to-side, etc, but because it's missing a titlebar, drag-to-restore doesn't work. If I can create a custom titlebar, perhaps I can still draw my title bar as I want, but let Windows7 do it's thing. How to do that escapes me.
Mike Caron
Have you tried catching WM_NCPAINT and paint your title bar the way you want it in there?