Hello I'm a newbie of Flash, I'm trying to do the following:
in one flash page script I want to call a function belonging to another flash script, how to do that?
Thank you in advance.
Hello I'm a newbie of Flash, I'm trying to do the following:
in one flash page script I want to call a function belonging to another flash script, how to do that?
Thank you in advance.
You can achieve this using LocalConnection
Receiving SWF:
private var localConnection:LocalConnection
//inside constructor
localConnection = new LocalConnection();
//in case both SWF's are in different domains
//in case receiver is in HTTPS and sender is non-HTTPS
localConnection.client = this;
//initialize TextField (tf) here
public function writeMsg(msg:String):void
tf.text += "\nReceived message\n" + msg;
Sending SWF:
private var localConnection:LocalConnection;
private var connectionName:String;
//inside the constructor
connectionName = "connectionName"; //use the same name as in receiver
localConnection = new LocalConnection();
localConnection.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, onStatus);
localConnection.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onSecError);
//to call the "writeMsg" function in the receiver SWF from sender SWF
localConnection.send(connectionName, "writeMsg", "It works!");
private function onStatus(e:StatusEvent):void
trace("statusEventHandler: code = " + e.code + ", level = " + e.level);
private function onSecError(e:SecurityErrorEvent):void
trace("unable to make LocalConnection due to Security Error: " + e.text);
Remember that local connections are simplex - the communications are one way. For two-way communication, you have to set up another pair of local connections and call connect
from the appropriate SWF with a different connection name.