



Hello all. I'm by no means experienced in mysql and keep getting an error in this lines of code:

$sql= "INSERT INTO songs (unique_show_id, artist, date, year, city, state, venue, taper, transfered_by, source, mic_loc, lineage, uploaded_by, uploaded_on, show_notes, show_xml)
            VALUES('$showId', '$artist', '$showDate', '$year, '$city', '$state', '$venue', '$taper', '$transferer', '$source', '$mic_loc', '$lineage', '$uploader', NOW(), '$show_notes', '$show_xml')";    

//check to see if the query went through
            if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)){
              echo "query fail";
            die('Error: ' . mysql_error());

I'm sure it's something simplistic, but I can't see where the error is. The error message I get is:

query failError: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ipuhgbi', 'CA', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'danwoods', NOW(), '', '<show id=\'gm198' at line 2  

Some of the values I'm inserting are NULL, but from what I've read I don't think that should be a problem. Any ideas?


You need to use mysql_real_escape_string() in each and every single one of your $variables.

Also, read this StackOverflow question carefully regarding SQL Injections.

Alix Axel

It looks like the last single quote on the error line is not escaped.

you need to remember to sanitize all of the strings going into the query.

John Boker

There are quite few things you need to be sure about:

  1. You don't insert primary keys through queries (eg unique_show_id in your code)
  2. For numbers you don't use single quotes.
  3. It is better to use the set variant of inserting records which avoids count problems eg:
  4. Use intval for numbers and mysql_real_escaps_string for strings to avoid injections issues as well as single quotes query erros.

    insert into table set field='field_value', field2='field_value' // and so on

+4  A: 

Missing quote after $year.

When MySQL issues such an error (near bla di bla), the error is usually immediately before the string it mentions. In this case 'ipuhgbi' maps to $city, so you know it's right before '$city', and what do we see there? Voila, a missing quote.
