Hi, I have a windows app and an an dll(windows form) that im trying to open (ActivationCheck), im trying to pause the current thread open a new thread (ActivationCheck) wait for that form event to return true then continue the main thread. Could someone explain\show me what im doing wrong - thanks.
static class Program
private static SplashScreen splash;
private static bool quitApp;
private static bool activationFinished;
static void Main()
Thread thread = new Thread(ActivationCheck);
} while (activationFinished);
if (!quitApp)
// WizardRun();
Application.Run(new Main(ref splash));
private static void ActivationCheck()
splash.SetStatus = "Checking License...";
Guid productId = new Guid(Properties.Settings.Default.ProductId);
Guid versionId = new Guid(Properties.Settings.Default.VersionId);
Client.UI.EntryPoint entryPoint = new EntryPoint();
activationFinished = false;
Client.BLL.ProductActivation.GenerateTrialLicense(productId1, versionId2, EditionId3);
entryPoint.IniatePlugin(productId, versionId);
entryPoint.PluginFinished += new EventHandlers.PluginFinishEventHandler(entryPoint_PluginFinished);
static void entryPoint_PluginFinished(bool forceQuit)
quitApp = forceQuit;
activationFinished = true;