



Hai guys,
I thus far used YUI Datatable to render all my records... alt text Since Jquery is very popular nowdays and a lightweighter one than YUi .. I ve decided to use it...

  • What are the Learning curves when moving from YUI to jquery?

  • Tips and tricks about Jquery Datatable?

  • Can i configure paginator in jquery datatable?
+2  A: 

Learning curve: You should find that jQuery may be simpler than YUI. It really depends on what you are trying to do. That is, how complex are the tables and the processing that you require. At its simplest the jQuery datatable only needs a single line of code to create. Since you are already familiar with YUI I do not see any problem that you will have with jQuery.

And yes you can configure the paginator in jQuery datatable.

Vincent Ramdhanie
@Vincent Any samples of jquery Datatable...
Pandiya Chendur
Reigel has posted an answer with a link to the main site on which you will find many exmaples. It is a very well documented plugin. You will also find custom paging examples.
Vincent Ramdhanie
+1  A: 

Tips and tricks about Jquery Datatable?


I have used it and it's very configurable, easy to use. There are also lots of examples in their site.
