



Hi.. Is there a place where I can find the solutions to the 'Programming Pearls' book by Jon Bentley ? I need to verify what ever little exercise problems I solve.. Thank you ..


I don't know if there are specific solutions available but I would suggest posting your code up here for a critique.

Provided you have fairly thick skin, you'll learn a lot from having a large group of opinionated and/or expert developers looking over your attempts and pointing out potential improvements :-)

+3  A: 

If you have a solution, you should be able to verify it by actually running the code and making sure you get the correct output.

When people want to get other people to give them solutions to programming problems, it's usually not to "check their work".


If you've read Programming Pearls you should know that not every problem demands code to be written. And even in the case that it do demand code, it is always cool to see how others solved the same problem.

Solutions to some problems are found on the book, near the end (in the 2nd edition at least).

I am also looking for other archives where I could find solutions to the unanswered problems.
