I know two
- margin {0 auto}
- line-height: 1.5;
is there any other?
I know two
is there any other?
I don't really have an answer for your question, but I just wanted to say that I don't think you should ever leave off the units unless you're specifying a value of 0. It's easier to read and there's no guesswork (for both the browser and someone else who may be reading your CSS).
EDIT: Pulled this from a forum. They are the CSS properties that accept integer values for CSS 2.1 specifications:
Every numerical value other than 0 should have a unit.
margin:0; //Good
margin:15; //Bad. Do you want px, em, %, etc?
I am pretty sure I have had instances where leaving the value type off lead to display problems in other browsers. This is because they default to different types.
0 is 0 in any type.
Where 5px (pixels) can be a lot different then 5em (Width of the Current Fonts capital letter M).
As a best practice I say always use them. It's only a few more bytes of bandwidth.