



Text is scaling on IE6 even without % and em from View > Text resize function of IE6?

but on this page nothing is specified in % and em but text is scaling with - View > Text resize function of IE6?

alt text

Why? Does IE 6support text resizing?

+1  A: 

It is considered a major usability and acceptability bug in IE6 - for a long time it was recommended not to use px size, as most users will not be able to change it.
Luckily, Microsoft fixed that issue in newer versions of IE.

The mentioned page does not have % or em (or ex, or whatnot), but IE6 supports resizing of some text. For example, the page is using:

<font size="5">President Clinton: "Y2K may doom us all"</font>

Which today is deprecated.

Another common text size supported by IE6 using CSS is

font-size:medium; /*or small, xx-large, etc */

Lastly, IE6 will also resize text with no defined text size at all. The default text is resizeable.

Here's a sample page for your resizing pleasure:

thanks u gave useful information
you mean if i will set body {font-size:16px} then text will not resize. and if nothing is specfied or body{font-size:medium} or body {font-size:100%} , text will be resized.
@Jitendra - Yes, exactly. I added a link so it can be easily tested.