



What would be the best book for me to purchase?

I consider myself as experienced linux user, but I lack knowledge on one very basic area, Debian packaging.

I know how to add a repository to sources.list, but I don't know how those lines are intepreted and how packages are found. If apt-get update gives me errors, I can only solve them by googling, if I'm lucky. I can simply search packages with apt-cache search and install with apt-get install. However I want to get much deeper than that. I want to understand how the packaging really works, how to change or downgrade a specific package, how to maintain dependencies, etc. Can you recommend me a good book to start with? Also internet links are welcome, but I would prefer to buy a book.

+1  A: 

Not sure if this would help at all but there's a free wikibook on it:

also see the Resources section at the bottom of that page.

Kevin Duke
+1  A: 

You might find The Debian System helpful.

Peter Eisentraut